Hair Transplantation

The maximum density between hair follicles (grafts) is key to a successful hair transplantation. Our unique technique along with experience allows us to guarantee 100% without damaging the surrounding existing hair follicles. Did you know that we offer a 100% guarantee even for tightly curled Afro hair?

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or hair transplantation for the transfer of individual hair follicles was introduced in 2003. FUE is the most modern method of hair transplantation and has become widespread globally due to its minimal invasion. No cutting and no stitches are involved.

To perform hair transplantation using the FUE method, the operating personnel must be specialized and have good experience with different hair types.

The design and distribution of the hair follicles are also completely customized and must meet the needs of each patient, which must fulfill three basic conditions:

  1. Having minimal impact on the donor and recipient area (reducing scarring).
  2. Producing a completely natural result.
  3. Considering the best possible hair density by taking into account the size of the area, available hair follicles, and the patient's needs.

How to place the hair follicles to create a natural hairline?

The placement of hair follicles during hair transplantation is done using the following technique:

  • Use of Sapphire Blade or DHI pen, which allows for the direct placement of hair follicles without creating incisions:
  • The use of Sapphire Blades provides significant advantages by allowing the adjustment of depth, implantation angle, and direction of each individual hair follicle according to the needs of each area. At the same time, it avoids creating incision points, which contributes to faster healing and minimal trauma in the donor area. Sapphire is also faster to perform, which is good for the survival of the hair follicles.

What are the results of hair transplantation?

The results after a hair transplantation with the FUE method can range from very good to excellent and depend on how experienced the personnel performing the operation are. The growth usually reaches very high levels, over 95%. With good planning, a natural result can be achieved. The growth of new hair is gradual. Some of them may be developed within the first week, but usually, there is more shedding of transplanted hair by the end of the second month after the operation. This is followed by gradual sprouting of new hair, which is completed 12 months after hair transplantation. There are also reports that the growth of new hair can continue for up to 18-24 months after the operation.

The transplanted hair is permanent and behaves normally. To achieve maximum density per area or to cover large areas in advanced alopecia, two sessions are usually necessary.

The use of the donor area must be reanalyzed provided that hair density is sufficient.

You will receive detailed post-treatment instructions, including which medications you can use, and restrictions on diet and physical activity during post-treatment. The recovery time is minimal, and many patients can return to their work after 1-2 days of treatment.

Contact us, and you will receive a thorough explanation of how this will work for you and your case.

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Take the first step towards achieving your aesthetic goals by booking a consultation today. Our experienced and dedicated team, led by our skilled doctors, is ready to guide you and offer personalized treatment plans that meet your needs.

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